Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Four Minute Trip to the Beach.

I've been busy, I've been tired, I've been preoccupied.... with WAY too many things on my mind.

So I took a 4 minute vacation. You can take it too...


Rebecca said...

Well, thanks for that...I must say, though, between my screaming kids and the timer on the stove, my 4-minute beach vacation was more like 2 1/2 minutes....

Can you tell I REALLY need a vacation?

Ohighway said...

Hmmmmm. That doesn't sound good. As busy as I have been (as evidenced by my lack of time spent on blogger) I still have managed some "me" time. In fact, I've logged a pretty fair amount. I love music and have been actively searching out new stuff (new to me anyway). And I've REALLY been enjoying that. As a side benefit, the kids love it too.

But back to you. TAKE that time you need, no matter what you have to juggle or ignore. Any time initially "lost" to that will be paid back and then some in the form of a refreshed YOU. And everyone wins when that happens, right?

Rebecca said...

Well, in theory, you are correct. When or IF I get to pursue my own thing, I AM a better person. So I do try to set that time aside. I play the flute, and have started locking in dates for concerts and committments surrounding the holiday season - and whew, I'm overbooked already, it seems! But nothing refreshes me more - making music, mingling with people who love and appreciate music and leaves me just wanting more. It's a priority in my life right now - and even some days when I'm completely overwhelmed, I just think of my next opportunity to play, and it energizes me. Now, if I could only get this house clean!

Ohighway said...

A clean house? I'm not familiar with that term.

Capcom said...

Congrats Rebecca!


Capcom said...

Ohighway, I hope that you are feelings better since what you mentioned a while back. Keep us posted, if it's not too personal. :-}